• 1 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
  • +880 2 488 102 10 - 17
  • +88 01709990700
  • gland@glandgroup.com

Founder's LEGACY

Founder's Legacy


(30 April, 1954 - 18 January, 2022) 

Greenland Group is the legacy left behind by its Founding Chairman Mohammad Abdul Hye. This legacy is the legacy of hard work, commitment, and above all of the dream of a Freedom Fighter who fought relentlessly throughout his life for realizing his dream to turn the unemployed masses into skilled hands for the socio-economic development of the country. His name will remain enshrined in the History of our Liberation War alongside other hero freedom fighters who joined the Liberation War in 1971.

He had been working hard to realize his dreams day in, and day out and always put his tasks as the highest priority over all other requirements of life. It paid off and today’s Greenland Group is a living testimony to the realization of the dream of its Founding Chairman.
His memories are still alive and will remain alive in the hearts and minds of all personnel of Greenland Group. He will be remembered by the people of his birthplace for his tremendous contribution to the social and educational upliftment of that locality. The warmth of his heart and his passion would instantly touch the people around him and fill them with a sense of love and respect for him. His generosity, open-mindedness, and kindness will be long felt by his near and dear ones. The void created by his absence cannot be filled by anybody at any time in the future. 
The name of Greenland Group is synonymous with the name of its Founding Chairman, Mohammad Abdul Hye, and his footprint will remain indelible in the future journey of Greenland Group. He will remain a beacon of Inspiration for the Management and all the employees of Greenland Group forever. 
The Management and all the employees of Greenland Group mourn his demise.

May Almighty Allah rest him in peace. Amin!